We know how important it is to keep your contact information up to date. Unfortunately, you can't change the email address on your account directly. But don't worry; we've got a couple of easy options for you!

Option 1: Create a New Account

If you want to use a different email, create a new account with your preferred email address. It's quick and easy! For privacy reasons, we cannot migrate your order history and other details to the new account.

Option 2: Forgot Your Password?

If you've forgotten your email password, follow our simple guide to reset it. We're here to help you every step of the way! Click here to find out how.

Why Can't You Change Your Email Address?

We do not allow changes to the email address associated with your account to ensure the safety of your order and customer information.

Need more assistance?
Our friendly support team is always here to help. Visit our Contact Us page to reach out anytime! Click here to speak to us today.