Occasionally, one of our competitors may offer a product at a lower price than we have it listed. When this happens, feel free to contact us here and request a price match.

Please complete this form with the details of our competitor's listing for the product. Select Sales & Product Advice or Something Else to get to the Price Matching & Discounts section.

To qualify, the product must be in stock and available to purchase from select Australian retailers to qualify for a price match. We will not price match pre-order or out of stock products, international retailers or online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay.

The price match cannot be applied with other active promotions run by Umart, and is not available through Finance or Buy Now Pay Later payment options.

Please note that due to high volatility in the market, we are not always able to match an otherwise valid request as the discount may push us below our cost price.

Umart strives to provide world-class products and services at an affordable price. We ensure that our operating costs are kept as low as possible and have razor-thin profit margins to continue to provide products without the markup you may see at our competitors.